Rise and Grind: An Ideal 3-Step Morning Routine for College Athletes

Rise and Grind: An Ideal 3-Step Morning Routine for College Athletes Rise and Grind: An Ideal 3-Step Morning Routine for College Athletes

With athletic schedules being so demanding, an athlete's wellbeing can end up taking a backseat to other commitments. This is one of the reasons It's important to have a that permits enough time to wake up gradually, stretch, eat a nutritious , and get prepared for whatever the day may bring. Having a set routine also helps reduce stress, so you can start each day with a clear mind and a happy heart. With this in mind, here are some morning routine tips for athletes that can help them start the day off on the right foot:

1. Wake Up Early

It is important for college athletes to wake up early in the morning so that they can have time to eat breakfast and get to their morning workouts. Ideally, college athletes should wake up a few hours before their first class to give them enough time to shower, eat a nutritious breakfast, and get to their

It is also important to try to wake up at the same time every morning as doing so can help you set yourself up for success when it comes to your workouts. If you get into a routine, your body will instinctively know exactly what time you need to be out of bed. An easy way to find your rhythm is to set an alarm for bedtime every night so that it becomes a habit. 

Related: Circadian Rhythm, Sleep Bucket, and 8 Sleep Tips for College Athletes

2. Stretch!

Once out of bed, college athletes should take a few minutes to stretch and do some light exercises to wake their bodies up. is a crucial part of an athlete's warm-up routine–it prepares the body for activity and reduces the risk of injury by increasing mobility through a full range of motion. Stretching also helps calm the mind, clearing thoughts that might lead to anxiety or fear which can hinder performance. In addition, stretching before bedtime can relieve tension in muscles that were stressed during the day–especially important for athletes with demanding practices and competitions.

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Here are a few physical benefits to stretching:

1. Increased flexibility and range of motion.

2. Improved circulation.

3. Reduced risk of injury.

4. Enhanced .

5. Increased mental focus and concentration.

Stretching before a workout can help you reap all of these benefits and more. So be sure to take the time to stretch before your next workout!

3. Eat Breakfast

The best breakfast for college athletes is one that is high in protein and carbohydrates like a bowl of oatmeal with some fruit and yogurt on top. This breakfast will give you the energy you need to power through your morning workout and help you to stay focused throughout the day. It also contains nutrients that are essential for muscle growth and recovery.

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Athletes who are looking to increase their muscle mass will also benefit from this meal because it has all of the necessary components to promote muscle growth. Oatmeal is a good source of protein, while the fruit provides carbohydrates and fiber. The yogurt adds more carbs as well as vitamins and minerals that are helpful in building stronger bones and muscles.

A morning routine is a collection of regular habits that you perform each morning, with the intention of improving your life. Whether you are in or , it is essential to keep up a good morning routine for both your mental and physical health.

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* Originally published on February 15, 2023, by Kelly Wick

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