The Dangers of Vaping For College Athletes

The Dangers of Vaping For College Athletes The Dangers of Vaping For College Athletes

has been on the rise over the last couple years, specifically when it comes to younger generations. More and more middle school and high schoolers are taking up vaping either carefree of the consequences it may have or simply unaware of them. Don't be the latter: here are some things athletes need to know about the dangers of vaping.

Health Issues

In order for athletes to excel in their sport, they need to be in good physical condition. Strength and cardio are pivotal in being able to play at the next level. Many teens and young adults think that vaping is harmless or that nothing bad would ever happen to them from it. Unfortunately this mindset is false and vaping can greatly impact your health.

Athletes who vape are more likely to have shortness of breath compared to other athletes who don't vape. Vaping can also cause heart problems and even lung disease. When your heart and lungs aren't healthy, your athletic ability will diminish. The heart is one of the most important organs since it provides blood to the rest of your body and takes a large part in your stamina and if you can finish games strong.

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Other Consequences
Many schools are cracking down on vaping in an attempt to try and protect their students. Schools are starting to enforce disciplinary consequences for student athletes that get caught vaping. This could lead to athletes missing games and tournaments. If coaches find out an athlete was suspended, they will most likely lose interest in that person. College coaches don't want to waste their time on an athlete who doesn't care about their body, but also doesn't follow the rules. If you're getting suspended in high school why shouldn't they think you'd do the same thing in college.

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In conclusion, the safest thing for athletes to do is stay away from vaping. There are no benefits of vaping and can only hurt you physically and your chances of playing a sport at the collegiate level. If you're struggling to quit, reach out to your supporters and ask for help.

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* Originally published on April 22, 2022, by Grant Osborne

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